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动态随机一般均衡模型(DSGE)基于微观主体的最优行为选择,能够有效分析宏观经济的运行机制,可以得到具有微观基础的宏观经济模拟结果。因此,本文从居民、企业家、金融部门等经济主体买卖国债的微观经济行为出发,考虑财政部门政府债券发行、中央银行货币政策操作等因素,以及国内、国外定价机制联动等情况,构建DSGE模型,以中债国债收益率数据为基础,使用贝叶斯(Bayesian estimation)技术,估算“资产荒”背景下,匹配既定经济增长目标的合意利率锚均衡水平及波动区间,为金融资产定价、财政政策和货币政策调整提供参考。








































[1] 李威. 存款利率市场化改革背景下的长期利率锚研究[J]. 债券,2022(8):51-56. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3585.2022.08.013.

[2]尹雷,丁烨,吴静. “低利率”环境下财税政策调控效能检验与结构性政策工具选择[J]. 财贸研究,2023,34(10): 73-84.

[3]朱长法. 加强商业银行债权投资利率风险管理 促进债券市场高质量发展[J]. 债券,2024(1):7-11. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3585.2024.01.003.

◇ 本文原载《债券》2024年7月刊

◇ 作者:中央结算公司客服中心李威

◇ 编辑:鹿宁宁

Research on Target Value of Long-term Interest Rate Anchor under the Background of “Asset Crunch”

Li Wei


In this paper, the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model is used to estimate that, given China’s annual targets for economic and social development in 2024, the desirable equilibrium value of China’s medium- and long-term interest rate anchors represented by the 10-year China Government Bond (CGB) yield is 2.49%, with a ceiling of 2.81% and a floor of 2.17%. Under the background of “asset crunch”, this paper studies and calculates the desirable value of the benchmark interest rate matching the economic development targets, discusses the basic conditions for equilibrium regression from the perspectives of economic performance, cost-benefit analysis and the impact of internal and external market disturbance factors and draws the conclusion that the interest rate anchor will fluctuate upwards and return to the equilibrium long-term trend. By releasing the signals of interest rate anchor movements going forward, the market risk will be mitigated, and the medium- and long-term asset prices will be guided back to a reasonable range to ensure the steady and smooth realization of preset targets.


“Asset crunch”, 10-year CGB yield, interest rate anchor


In May 2024, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) noted in its monetary policy implementation report for the first quarter that the long-term China Government Bond (CGB) yield is a crucial part of the CGB yield curve serving as a pricing benchmark in the financial market, and mainly reflects long-term economic growth and inflation expectations. In 2024 to date, the long-term CGB yield represented by the 10-year CGB yield has been moving downwards, partly due to disturbance from such factor as the lack of safe-haven assets in the market. In the first half of the year, investors had growing demand for risk-free assets amid intense release of asset allocation demand from banks, insurers and other financial institutions. The demand for bond market investment increased accordingly, resulting in an “asset crunch” that can hardly be eased in the near term. In the context of investors chasing safe-haven assets, it is particularly urgent to estimate the desirable range of the 10-year CGB yield, which represents the pricing benchmark of the financial market, to guide the reasonable fluctuations of medium- and long-term asset prices and mitigate market risks.

Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models are based on the optimal behavior selection of micro-agents, effective in analyzing the operating mechanism of macro-economy and getting micro-founded macro-economic simulation results. Therefore, this paper builds a DSGE model based on the microeconomic behaviors of economic agents such as households, entrepreneurs and financial sector in buying and selling CGBs, taking into account such factors as government bond issuance, monetary policy operations, and the interactions between domestic and foreign pricing mechanisms. Using the Bayesian estimation, we estimate the desirable equilibrium level and fluctuation range of interest rate anchors matching the economic growth targets under the background of “asset crunch”, providing a point of reference for the pricing of financial assets and the adjustment of fiscal and monetary policies.

Construction of Model

In this paper, the research results of the ChinaBond Research Institute, titled “A Research on Interest Rate Anchor during the Deposit Rate Liberalization Reform”, are taken as the basis to construct a DSGE model that covers seven sectors, namely, households, entrepreneurs, financial institutions, manufacturers, central bank (monetary policy), government agencies (fiscal policy) and foreign sector.

i. Households

The household sector maximizes expected lifetime utility with utility function (1) and constraint (2). The meanings of relevant letters are shown in the Schedule attached.

ii. Entrepreneurs

The entrepreneurs maximize the expected lifetime utility with the utility function (3) and constraints (4), (5) and (6), funding their investments (production capital) by issuing bonds and borrowing from banks. The entrepreneurs lease the capital to manufacturers, which employ the labor force to produce products. The entrepreneurs earn a marginal return on the capital, and the manufacturers benefit from the production.

iii. Financial institutions

An objective function (7) can be obtained based on the money creation flow-of-funds equation of financial institutions, where Cost is the management cost of financial institutions. It is generally set as a quadratic function. With the condition of no-arbitrage equilibrium in place, the optimal behavior equation of the financial sector can be solved.

iv. Manufacturers

Manufacturers seek to maximize profits. After optimization, we will get:

Then a price evolution equation is obtained:

v. Central bank

The central bank performs monetary policy operations. Assuming that quantitative rules are followed:

The behavioral equations of the central bank can be obtained by internalizing the required reserve ratio (RRR) adjustment rules, setting the RRR behavior equation and considering the RRR interest rate adjustment mode.

vi. Government

The government sector has a balanced budget:

vii. Foreign sector

The model assumes that China is an open economy, and domestic asset prices and capital prices are influenced by overseas economies. According to the law of one price and the theory of interest rate parity:

Equilibrium conditions of the global financial market including China:

Taking into account the open economy constraints, the optimal behavior equation under the open economy condition can be obtained.

With the shock equation set, all markets cleared at the same time and the optimal first-order conditions and constraints of each module integrated and matched, we can get a system of DSGE model equations in this paper.

Simulation-based Estimation

i. Data processing

This paper uses the data in the past 10 years ranging from 2014 to 2023, with a quarterly frequency. Five endogenous variables, namely, domestic output, inflation, money supply, bond yield and housing price, are selected as observed variables. Based on the Wind database, the gross domestic product (GDP), consumer price index (CPI), broad money (M2), CGB yield, and housing price index are used as basic data.

According to the Government Work Report for 2024, China’s targets for the year are GDP growth of about 5.0% and CPI increase of about 3%. On that basis, the desirable growth rate of GDP and CPI in 2024 is set at 5% and 3% respectively, the desirable growth rate of M2 is set at 8% (the expected growth rate of GDP plus the expected growth rate of CPI), and the expected decline rate of housing prices is controlled within 1%, so that the complete quarterly data can be obtained in this paper as the basis for estimating the desirable equilibrium of the interest rate anchor in 2024.

ii. Simulated estimation

From the perspective of model simulation characteristics, the model accurately captures the fluctuation characteristics of key endogenous variables such as GDP, CPI and M2. The first-order autocorrelation coefficients of endogenous variables in the economy simulated by the model show similar change characteristics to those in the real-world economy, evidencing the effectiveness of the DSGE model in simulating the economy in this paper.

From the model estimation features (see Figure 1), the Markov Chain Monte Carlo univariate convergence diagnostics (“MCMC Convergence Diagnostics”) diagram can illustrate the validity of all parameter estimation results in this paper.

As for the specific numerical characteristics of the equilibrium interest rate estimates, according to the Bayesian estimation results of the parameters (see Table 1), the equilibrium level of the interest rate anchor can be simulated and calculated at 2.49%, with its movements subject to a ceiling of 2.81% and floor of 2.17%. The actual value versus equilibrium value of the interest rate anchor in 2024 to date are shown in Figure 2.

Analysis of Results

As shown by the actual movements of the 10-year CGB yield in 2024 to date, only January saw movements above the equilibrium level. After falling below the equilibrium level in early February, the yield fluctuated around the equilibrium for about a month. It began to move lower faster in March, showing continuing downward fluctuations away from the equilibrium level. After touching a low in late April, the yield gradually returned to the equilibrium level. In June, it showed a trend of gradually deviating from the equilibrium. The latest data (June 14) showed the 10-year CGB yield at 2.2558%, about 23bps below its equilibrium level. On the whole, the average 10-year CGB yield was 2.36% in 2024 to date, 13 bps below the equilibrium level. Specifically, in terms of the actual economic performance this year, the marginal effect of the 10-year CGB yield decline and internal and external market disturbance factors, the interest rate anchor represented by the 10-year CGB yield is ready to move higher and return to the equilibrium.

i. From the perspective of economic performance, data supports a gradual return of the interest rate anchor to its equilibrium level

In the first quarter, the GDP growth rate was 5.3%, and the economic performance was better than expected, the CPI picked up moderately, the decline of the producer price index (PPI) slowed down, and the purchasing managers index (PMI) was in the expansion range, indicating that the earlier policies continued to work. At present, the 10-year CGB yield continues to deviate from the equilibrium level, significantly lower than the desirable target value. The price risk of medium- and long-term assets has become prominent, and market sentiments are volatile. The wide fluctuations in asset prices may destabilize the RMB value and have an adverse effect on China’s push for its economic growth target. The market interest rate is already low but still under significant downward pressure. However, there is still room for monetary policy operations, and further cutting interest rates and RRR are still possible going forward. The main pressure on monetary policy has shifted to strengthening counter-cyclical and cross-cyclical adjustments, curbing irrationally wide economic fluctuations and better ensuring steady and healthy economic growth. Taking into account the stronger-than-expected economic data in the first quarter, monetary policy operations should be more flexible, so as to bring the benchmark interest rate back to the equilibrium level through the guidance of expectations and open market operations, stabilize asset prices and forestall and defuse financial risks.

ii. From the perspective of marginal effect, the interest rate anchor deviates from the equilibrium level and the cost far exceeds the benefit

Since 2023, the 10-year CGB yield as the interest rate anchor for long-term deposits has been on the decline, driving the deposit rates lower. It plays a crucial role in maintaining banks’ net interest margin (NIM), leaving enough room for lending rate reduction, reducing the financing cost of the real economy and providing an easy monetary and financial environment for economic development. However, it is still common for banks to attract deposits with higher interest rates and increase the cost of liabilities through manual interest compensation, which increases the cost of liability and weakens the NIM of banks. Publicly available data shows that the average NIM of the banking industry in the first quarter of 2024 came to a low of 1.54%, below the reasonable range necessary to remain profitable, which may affect the stability and sustainability of banking services for the real economy. Since April, therefore, regulatory authorities and self-regulatory organizations have guided commercial banks to lower the cost of issuing bonds and clearly prohibited the competition for deposits with higher interest rates by means of manual interest compensation, thereby preventing any further decline in NIM. In addition, there is very limited space for further deposit rate cuts, and lowering the 10-year CGB yield will have a weak margin effect in driving deposit rates downwards, while the marginal cost borne by the market participants is relatively high. It is obvious that there is no policy basis for continued drops in the 10-year CGB yield.

iii. From the perspective of internal and external market disturbance factors, interest rate anchor will likely return to equilibrium

First, the “asset crunch” will be gradually eased. The 10-year CGB yield has been moving lower since the beginning of 2024, partly due to the lack of medium- and long-term high-quality assets in the market. China has planned a large size of government bond issuance this year. With the issuance paced as scheduled, the supply of long-term bonds was slower than expected in the first half of the year, and the market is tight in long-term high-quality assets. In addition, given the slowdown in the issuance of local government bonds, some funds originally targeted at local government bonds have been diverted toward the CGB market, driving the CGB yield lower. With various factors combined, the ultra-long-term special CGBs have been much sought after among market participants, giving rise to irrational transactions in the exchange market. It is expected that the unusual market activity will fade away as the issuance of medium- and long-term CGBs and local government bonds will be accelerated in the second half of the year. Second, the China-US interest rate spread gives a boost to the return to equilibrium. Since the beginning of this year, the 10-year CGB yield and the US 10-year Treasury yield have remained inverted, and the spread has been expanding to reach 194 bps on June 14. The resultant international capital flows put RMB exchange rate under great pressure. From the perspective of stabilizing exchange rate, the pressure will, to some extent, be transmitted to the 10-year CGB yield and drive a return to equilibrium. That is, by increasing the yields on domestic risk-free assets, international capital will be attracted and retained in the domestic market, and the capital outflow pressure will be eased to keep exchange rate stable.

It can be seen from the simulation in this paper that the current interest rate anchor fluctuates below the equilibrium level, under significant pressure of returning to equilibrium in the short term. However, the spread between the market benchmark and the policy target also provides a certain reference for fiscal policy and monetary policy adjustments to stabilize the market. In the long run, there is strong endogenous driving force and external support for the interest rate anchor’s return to the equilibrium. By releasing the signal of the benchmark interest rate returning to equilibrium, other yield indicators will be driven steadily higher, and long-term asset prices will be guided back to a reasonable range, so as to successfully forestall and defuse major financial risks at a low cost of policy adjustments.

This article was first published on Bond Monthly ( Jul. 2024).Please indicate the source clearly when citing this article. The English version is for reference only, and the original Chinese version shall prevail in case of any inconsistency.


[1] Li Wei. Research on Long-term Interest Rate Anchor under the Background of Deposit Rate Liberalization[J]. China Bond, 2022(8): 51-56. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3585.2022.08.013.

[2] Yin Lei, Ding Ye, Wu Jing. Effectiveness Test of Fiscal and Tax Policy Regulation and Choice of Structural Policy Tools under the “Low Interest Rate” Environment [J]. Finance and Trade Research 2023, 34(10): 73-84.

[3] Zhu Changfa. Strengthening Interest Rate Risk Management of Debt Investments of Commercial Banks, Promoting High-quality Development of the Bond Market [J]. China Bond, 2024(1):7-11. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-3585.2024.01.003.

◇ Author from: CCDC Customer Service Center

◇ Editor: Lu Ningning

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